Beware The Red mirage
Our absentee ballots were marked as received and have been sitting in a secure election office vault for almost a month. But Wisconsin’s Republican State Senators blocked a bill that would have allowed absentee ballot processing to begin. Election officials aren’t even able to begin verifying the signatures which are on the outside of the envelope containing the ballot!
Washington D.C. and 43 states REQUIRE absentee ballot processing to begin before election day to prevent election day chaos. Florida is the 3rd largest state in the U.S. and pre-counting absentee ballots allowed them to report results within 3 hours after their polls close.
Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are the only swing states which DON’T ALLOW absentee votes to be counted until AFTER the polls close on election day. Since small towns and rural districts can process ballots much more quickly than large cities such as Milwaukee, Madison and Philadelphia, this causes a “Red Mirage” where it looks like Republicans are doing better than they really are. When the absentee ballots and urban district ballots are counted it looks like there is a sudden “dump” of democrat ballots. Donald Trump, Senator Johnson and others use this mirage to trump up their voter fraud hoax. Pardoned felon and unregistered foreign agent Michael Flynn was Trump’s first national security advisor. During an interview on a right-wing podcast Flynn said that there would be violence unless election results are known immediately. He predicts Trump will win in all 50 states and thinks Trump should declare victory before these votes have been counted.
“If I were Trump, and he was way up, and the polls haven’t closed in Pennsylvania, the polls haven’t closed in Arizona, polls haven’t closed in Wisconsin — I would claim victory that night… When I look back in 2020, he should have claimed victory last night. And let everybody go to bed. Whatever they were going to come up with, just say that’s a bunch of B.S., those are all a bunch of lies.”
This is exactly what Trump did in 2020. Steve Bannon laid out his plan in a leaked audio recorded prior to the 2020 election. With Wisconsin’s quack senator and election fixer Ron Johnson(R), fake elector and election commissioner Bob Spindell(R) and others laying the groundwork, it’s deja-vu all over again.