“I want to make one thing perfectly clear…” — Richard Nixon

The Trumpublican Creed

Physics of Shadow and Light
2 min readAug 27, 2020


The rumor is that the Republican party has become a personality cult. Rather than push back against various pundits who noticed this, the party embraced it by adopting their 2016 platform word for word at the RNC convention including condemnations of the current president! (Spoiler, it’s no longer Obama.)

The RNC convention isn’t over yet, so if anyone would like to run with a real 2020 Trumpublican party platform, here it is:

The #Trumpublican #FearOverFacts Creed

Fear not the darkness of thy spirit nor beast nor plague
They most certainly be a hoax of the unchosen
As false as Russian Collusion and Covid-19
In its stead, thou shalt fear science and vaccines
Fear all fruits of God’s gift of mind
Fear truth
Fear thy neighbor

Covet not thy neighbor’s BMW
Instead take thine entitled prosperity and buy thee a Mercedes
Kill not one of God’s children
Unless it is justified in thine own heart
Or thou fears for thine own life
…or property
Or if thine enemy disfavors fascists or favors black lives
or is a Democrat.

Trust in God
And thy semi-automatic weapon
And thy border wall
And His chosen ones, the heavily-armed white vigilantes
Fear not their immaturity nor their emotional instability
Above all, trust thy gun and thy president

Love all who appear as thyself
And who agree with thee in all things
But welcome not the outsider
Neglect to show hospitality to strangers
For they surely be not angels
Many are refugees who might become democrats
Blessed are the poor
But so much more blessed are you that you are not them

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I shall fear no evil
Unless a Democrat is elected
Or the stock market crashes
Or Biden hurts God
Or someone demands equal justice

For thou art with me and only me
And against all whom I hate
Especially libtards

So ends the book of false prophets.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. — 2 Timothy 4:3



Physics of Shadow and Light

Physics of Shadow and light is about science, history, good and evil, truth, beauty, love and infinity.